Click on the link below, select the criteria by which you would like to search to find your parcel and enter the needed information. Select your parcel from the results screen. In the green box titled, “Information & Links”, select to view your 2023 Valuation Notice. Use the value listed as, “Estimated Market Value” in the calculator for your property type below.
If you own a RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD property, enter the Estimated Market Value below to see the estimated tax impact.
If you own APARTMENTS or RESIDENTIAL NON-HOMESTEAD property, enter the Estimated Market Value below to see the estimated tax impact
If you own COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL property, enter the Estimated Market Value below to see the estimated tax impact.
If your household income is less than approximately $128,280, you may qualify for the Homestead Credit Refund (also known as the “Circuit Breaker” refund). This program, which has existed since the 1970s, is intended to reduce tax burdens for homeowners with relatively low incomes and relatively high property tax burdens. Some important facts about this program are summarized below.
If your total property taxes increase by more than 6 percent and more than $100 from one year to the next, you may qualify for a state refund equal to a portion of the increase. There is no income limit for this refund and the maximum refund is $2,500.
To determine eligibility and refund amounts, complete Minnesota tax form M1PR.
If you are 65 years or older and have a household income of $96,000 or less, you may be eligible to defer a portion of the property taxes on your home, through the Senior Citizen Property Tax Deferral Program. The program:
The 2023 Legislature modified the requirements of this program by increasing the household income limit to $96,000. This new income limit is in effect for taxes payable in 2024 and later years.