Brian Roemer
The ability to dedicate the working day to helping communities overcome challenges and find sustainable solutions is incredibly fulfilling for me.

Brian Roemer

Senior Municipal Advisor
Brian Roemer

Brian is a Senior Municipal Advisor with our Wisconsin Municipal Finance team where he helps clients with fiscal studies, debt planning and issuance, and financial management planning.  Since he joined the firm as an intern, Brian has quickly risen through the ranks due to his commitment to accuracy, dedication to customer service, and ability to break down complex financial concepts in a way that all client constituents can understand.

Brian lives in Menomonee Falls with his wife and young children. When he’s not working, he enjoys golf, running, water skiing and spending time with family and friends.

Focus Areas

Debt Issuance & Management

General Obligation and Revenue Debt
Alternative Financing Options, Funding Sources, Plans & Tools
Environmental Improvement Fund Loans
CDA/RDA Lease Revenue Bonds
Special Assessment Bonds
Refundings/Cash Defeasances
Representation to Bond Market & Credit Rating Agencies
Referendum Services

Economic Development & Redevelopment

Tax Increment District Creation & Amendment
Developer Pro Forma Analysis
Development Agreement Negotiation
Developer Performance Evaluation
Public Participation Process

Financial Management Planning

Long-Range Cash Flow Analysis

Special Financial Studies

Utility Rate Studies
Fiscal Impact Studies
Joint Service Studies
Levy Limit Referendum
System Development Charge Studies

Licenses & Certifications

Series 50 License: Municipal Advisor Representative

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

American Water Works Association – Wisconsin Chapter
Wisconsin City/County Management Association
Wisconsin Government Finance Officers Association


Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautics-Aviation Science/Aviation Management, St. Louis University
Master’s Degree in Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Community Involvement

Revitalize Milwaukee – Volunteer