We are so privileged to share in your collective mission to build vibrant, sustainable, and equitable communities. The trust that you place in Ehlers is more important to us than you can imagine, and as we reflect on this year, please know that we’re proud to have served you and look forward to helping you achieve even greater success in 2024.
In October 2023, the Minnesota State Legislature implemented a .25% sales tax within the 7-County Metropolitan Area to create a longer-term funding mechanism for the development and preservation of affordable housing.
In November, 60 school districts asked a total of 93 ballot questions for voter approved authority for for operating referendums, capital project levies and bond referendums.
The recently enacted local government funding legislation imposes significant changes to the shared revenue program, eliminates the personal property tax, and creates an innovation fund to encourage consolidation and transfer of services to promote cost savings.
Just like any other organization, governmental entities regularly seek the assistance of professional experts in a particular field. You’re running an operation focused on your core functions; it would be both ineffective and a poor use of finite resources to have people on staff with the technical aptitudes not required on a consistent basis.
While 2023 started out with relative uncertainty, it’s now clear that the US economy will finish the year in a strong, if perhaps slowing, fashion. Annualized Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the 3rd quarter shows economic growth of 5.2%, the fastest rate since the 4th quarter of 2021.
Call 800-222-4545 or e-mail info@ehlers.com.
A pioneer and regional leader in municipal advisory services since 1955, Ehlers helps clients build strong, vibrant and sustainable communities by delivering independent, integrated advice across all areas of public finance. We work with more than 1,500 local governments, schools, and public agencies across five states; placing our clients’ needs and best interests at the center of everything we do.